Event Mesh

Unlocking Seamless Communication: An Introduction to Event Mesh

Ms.Thangalakshmi, SAP Integration Consultant, Smartsoft.

Welcome to the world of seamless communication, where everything happens automatically and changes the way systems communicate and work together.

Using Integration Suite and Event Mesh as a lens, we will delve into the complexities of event-driven architecture in this blog series. Three main areas will comprise our investigation:

First, we will explain what event-driven architecture is and why it is important for contemporary industries. We’ll explore the fundamental ideas of event-driven systems and look at how they allow for flexible and agile reactions to events  Unlocking Seamless Communication: An Introduction to Event Mesh

We’ll then get into the specifics of how to use Event Mesh. We’ll walk through the process of configuring Event Mesh to enable smooth communication between various components step-by-step Configuring Event Mesh:  A Step-by-Step Configuration Guide

Lastly, we’ll delve into the practical applications of consuming messages from Event Mesh using Integration Suite. Through case studies and practical examples, we’ll showcase how organizations leverage Event Mesh to optimize their workflows, enhance data integration, and drive innovation. By harnessing the capabilities of Integration Suite, businesses can unlock new opportunities for growth and differentiation in today’s competitive landscape- Streamlining Consumption: How to Efficiently Consume Messages from Event Mesh using Integration Suite

Now, as we embark on our journey, let’s paint a picture:Picture yourself relaxing at home, reading your favorite book or maybe catching up on some work. All of a sudden, the sound of the doorbell rings. The sound acts as an event, setting off your natural reaction to answer the door. A sequence of events are triggered by this small but significant event: you stop what you’re doing, walk over to the door, and extend a greeting to whoever is inside.

This situation is a perfect example of event-driven design, in which system activities are sparked by occurrences. We’ll look at how companies in contemporary industries use event-driven architecture to improve teamwork, communication, and responsiveness in the parts that follow.

So as we know we have 2 types of Architecture namely ,

  • Request-Driven Architecture
  • Event-Driven Architecture


As the above example states, when an action is triggered through an event it is known as Event-Driven Architecture.

As we have many message brokers, SAP BTP offers a service named Event Mesh.

We can find this service in the service market place in BTP subaccount.

**Note: Event mesh is not available in the free trial account.**

What is SAP Event Mesh ?

A key element of the SAP Business Technology Platform, SAP Event Mesh is a fully managed cloud-based solution that manages event flow across various contexts. It enables asynchronous event interchange between applications, services, and systems using a publish-and-subscribe approach, regardless of the underlying technologies or protocols.

It allows the exchange of asynchronous events between components and distributes business events from both SAP and non-SAP sources across hybrid landscapes in real-time, using event-driven communication

Its numerous advantages are what make it so appealing:

Scalability: SAP Event Mesh is specifically designed for mission-critical scenarios because of its high throughput and low latency when handling large numbers of events. It easily adapts to increasing demands, making it possible to add new components and services without the need for human interaction, guaranteeing continuous operations.

Flexibility: Supporting a wide range of event types, protocols, and endpoints, SAP Event Mesh thrives on adaptability. The mesh effortlessly integrates various technologies, reducing integration efforts and building a unified ecosystem, whether it is SAP-specific interfaces, HTTP, AMQP, or MQTT.

Reliability: SAP Event Mesh guarantees the dependable delivery of events across dispersed landscapes thanks to its secure architecture and robust messaging infrastructure. Stakeholders are reassured by its strong processes, which ensure company continuity even in the face of disruptions.

Decoupling: SAP Event Mesh encourages loosely linked integration, which gives components the freedom to function independently and promotes creativity and agility. Modifications made to one application or service do not affect the operation of others, allowing companies to quickly respond to changing needs.

Performance Optimization: SAP Event Mesh maximizes throughput while reducing latency, making it ideal for high-performance event-driven applications. Because of its distributed messaging system, user experiences are improved and operational efficiency is increased through responsive communication.

Security: SAP Event Mesh maintains the highest security standards by using message validation, access controls, and end-to-end encryption to protect sensitive data. By ensuring that only authorized parties engage in event exchange, it reduces risks and builds confidence.

As a whole, SAP Event Mesh becomes a revolutionary tool that gives enterprises the confidence to confidently manage the challenges of digital transformation. Businesses may accelerate innovation, improve agility, and expedite integration processes by embracing its capabilities, which will help them succeed long-term in the ever-changing business environment of today.

Architecture of SAP Event Mesh:

As the above image states there are some key terms to be known when it comes to SAP Event mesh. For now lets know the terms and in the next blog we can know it in detail.

The terms are:

  • Publisher/Producer- Publishers produce events based on certain triggers or conditions within applications or systems.
  • Consumer/Receiver- Consumers consume the events and take appropriate actions based on the content or significance of each event
  • Queue – Queue act as temporary storage for events, ensuring reliable delivery
  • Topic – Topics define the categories or channels through which events are published and subscribed to within the event mesh.
  • Queue Subscriptions – Queue subscriptions define the bindings between topics and queues, specifying which queues should receive events published to particular topics
  • Webhook – Webhooks provide a mechanism for integrating external systems or endpoints with SAP Event Mesh. They allow events to be forwarded to external HTTP endpoints or services, enabling seamless integration with third-party applications or workflows.


Use cases and Realistic Applications:

Now that you have a firm grasp of the architecture of SAP Event Mesh, let’s examine some real-world uses and scenarios where its benefits are demonstrated:

Real-time analytics: Stream real-time data events from several sources into analytical platforms by utilizing SAP Event Mesh. This allows enterprises to obtain actionable insights and make well-informed decisions.

Workflow Orchestration: To automate business processes and optimize operations across many systems and apps, utilize SAP Event Mesh to orchestrate event-driven workflows.

Supply Chain Optimization: Exchange important business events in real-time with supply chain partners to enable smooth communication and cooperation. This will optimize order fulfillment, inventory management, and logistics.

Enhance Customer Experience: Use SAP Event Mesh’s capabilities to respond dynamically to events and triggers in the customer journey to provide them with individualized and context-aware experiences.

Conclusion: Empowering the Future of Integration:

We are reminded of SAP Event Mesh’s disruptive potential as we wrap up our investigation of its architecture and how it may facilitate seamless communication and integration inside enterprise ecosystems. In today’s digital landscape, enterprises may harness the power of SAP Event Mesh and embrace event-driven architecture to open up new avenues for innovation, growth, and collaboration.

Come along for a deeper look at the useful aspects of setting up and utilizing SAP Event Mesh and consume messages using the SAP Integration Suite in our upcoming blog post. I hope you have smooth communication and significant events up until then.